Financial consultants throughout the world are telling their aging clients that Belize is a sensible real estate investment, but are they right? We think not!
Here are the 10 reasons not to retire in Belize.
Reason#1 The Belize Weather
The weather is perfect. Highs in the 80s and lows in the 70s all year long is a level of consistency that we simply don’t trust.
Reason#2 The Belize Currency
There are great exchange rates. The U.S. dollar goes a long way in Belize, but we prefer demonstrating our wealth through compulsive overspending.
Reason#3 The Belize Language
English is the native language. You’ll lose one incentive to pick up a new language — but the blend of cultures in Belize gives you plenty of opportunities to.
Reason# 4 So Much To See and Do
There’s just too much to do. We can’t keep track of the dozens of extant Maya ruins, much less the 400+ islands, miles of jungles, and the world’s second-largest barrier reef. It’s all rather overwhelming.
Reason# 5 The Belizean People
The people are too nice. The people of Belize are a multicultural and multi-ethnic patchwork of peoples, but they’re united by their welcoming personalities and hospitable natures.
Reason#6 Multiple Retirement Communities
There’s already a community of expatriates. More accurately, there are multiple communities scattered all over the country. If you want your retirement to be as foreign and inaccessible as possible, this isn’t the spot for you.
Reason#7 Respectable Property Rights
You’ll have respectable property rights. It’s not always the case throughout the world, but Belize allows foreigners to own property into perpetuity rather than just granting a long-term lease. Not a great choice if you prefer to live dangerously!
Reason#8 The Qualified Retired Persons Program
There’s a fast track for retirees. The Qualified Retired Persons Program was devised by the Belize government to make it easier for people from abroad to gain residency. It even allows you to avoid paying import taxes on your belongings. It feels suspiciously like cheating.
Reason#9 Belize Is A Tax Shelter
It’s a tax shelter. You can even live in Belize while continuing to have your Social Security payments deposited directly into your local bank account. This is another situation that feels a lot like cheating.
Reason#10 It Is Not Far From Home
It’s not too far from home. North Americans are some of the most common emigrants to Belize, and there are regular direct flights from Belize to the United States all year long. You can even reach Miami from Belize City in less than three hours. We have family we’d rather not see in America, so send us somewhere more exotic, please.