If you dream of retiring to a welcoming land with perfect weather, dramatic tax breaks for retirees over the age of 45 (you read that right) and you don’t want to leave behind your American ties, lifestyle or learn another language, there’s a sleepy seaside town north of Belize City that deserves your immediate attention. The town is called Corozal and thanks to glowing recommendations from visiting North Americans who end up retiring here, the ex-pat population is not only growing by leaps and bounds, but this trend shows no sign of slowing. Why retire here? Because you want it all and this little corner of Belize is prepared to deliver just that.
Corozal is in close proximity to Belize City where the nation’s busiest international airport can serve as your conduit to visits back home. Since Southwest Airlines has joined the growing list of carriers servicing Belize, this happy confluence has kick-started fare wars, which means that even if you’re collecting frequent flyer miles on another airline, you could still be the beneficiary of this travel largesse.
Corozal is situated on a pristine bay that once served as an important stop along the trading routes of Belize’s first settlers, the Mayans. But history doesn’t begin and end with these people. Over time, forts, towns and outposts were established throughout this vicinity by people migrating here from other countries, and they left plenty of historic sites behind with each iteration of migrants. That stated, if the sites you prefer to frequent are strictly 21st Century ones, you can always head for Sam’s Club and Walmart in nearby Chetumal, Mexico!

Corozal is located in Belize’s sugar-growing region, but ex-pats find that one of the sweetest things about living here is beautiful, affordable real estate. Standing head and shoulders above other residential communities attracting ex-pats is Orchid Bay , where homes with state-of-the-art infrastructure—-power, treated water and U.S.-approved wastewater treatment facilities—-are only surpassed by this development’s bountiful, resident-focused amenities.
Corozal Town offers the quintessential charm of a picturesque little village loaded with charm and resources. It has become an important and convenient hub frequented by ex-pats seeking shops, banks, a library, churches, schools, stores and even municipal offices. Move here, and whether you require groceries, a good book or legal forms, you won’t have to travel far to get exactly what you need.
Corozal’s proximity to both the New River in the Orange Walk District and the Rio Hondo leading to Mexico serve as idyllic recreation areas for fishermen, swimmers, hikers, boaters and nature trail enthusiasts. The town’s Central Park is a nice gathering place, but Orchid Bay is home to its own wealth of areas designed to host activities, events and opportunities to socialize. Why leave when everything one needs is right here?
Corozal is committed to sustainability. At Orchid Bay, 40-percent of the area’s green space won’t be developed and everything about this gated community reflects smart development, from locally-sourced materials to a current plan for a system of basins and canals designed to ease navigation throughout the community, yet it won’t impact the area’s ecological balance. Want proof? Orchid Bay has received Belize’s highest rating for environmental compliance for the past five years. Who wouldn’t want to live here?